Support us

We are a not-for-profit indie club, who rely on optional donations from audiences to keep it running.

The most important way you can support the show is simply by showing up, bringing your friends and showing all the love you can to our brilliant acts.

Although the show is free, we accept donations at the end of the show that go towards the costs of running it. We also accept donations via PayPal and anyone who wants to offer ongoing support can visit our Patreon page.

Even if you can’t afford to support us financially, a like and share on any of our social media channels goes way further than you might imagine, so please do tell your friends how much fun you have with us.

We also have merch, which if the fancy so takes you, you can purchase in person at or online here from our BigCartel shop.

What we do with the money

Firstly, we pay all of our acts. Comedy is a tough game and it’s the least we can do the people who make it worth you leaving the comfort of your own home.

We also need money to cover general admin costs. Things like having a nice website, a user-friendly ticketing service and other things that make our lives easier all cost money to get right. The better quality tools we have access to, the more time we can devote to putting on a great show.

Money can also ensure that our show is as accessible as possible. This ranges from keeping plenty of earplugs around for people who are sensitive to loud noises to hiring BSL interpreters so that people with hearing impairments can enjoy the show too. This also includes accessibility for our recorded content and livestreams. At the moment, we spend a lot of time manually subtitling our shorter videos, but with a decent budget behind us we could make all our digital content a lot friendlier to the visually and hearing impaired.

If after all this we have any money left over, we’d like to use it support local charities who do good in the community, whether that is through cultural initiatives like our own or making a direct impact on the lives of the less fortunate.

To see how we break down our budget and make use of your generous donations in more detail, please check our the Goals section of our Patreon page.